Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Punctuality Punctuality is a very important part o Essays

Punctuality Punctuality is a very important part o Essays Punctuality Punctuality is a very important part of military life for several reasons. one reason is that if someone is late for a patrol or convoy that patrol or convoy might have to leave without that person. Another reason is because it will make whoever your relieving have to stay at work for longer than they are supposed to, tired and sluggish because of that fact, giving a high chance that whatever work that person does would be sub par and not up to standards because of lack of sleep. Punctuality also shows your chain of command that you are serious about your job and are ready and motivated to do said job to the best of your ability. Being late to a convoy could lead to dire consequences. not to you but to your battle buddies you let down by not showing up. while they are on patrol, or convoying to another area, something could happen that could either need your expertise and training or they could just need another soldier to keep watch of their area. The patrol you were s upposed to be on could be ambushed and your weapon, your eyes and your training could be what makes the difference between your patrol losing soldiers or not. if you had been there your patrol could have seen the ambush with the extra set of eyes watching, or taken out the enemy with the extra soldier carrying a weapon he/she was trained to use. being late could be what makes you lose battle buddies that could have survived if you were there to help. On a convoy it could have been your eyes that notices the strange object in the road or the slight discoloration, or disturbed earth of the road ahead of you that could have prevented your convoy from running into an IED. Being late could also hinder your battle buddies at work. you being late makes your battle buddy who you are supposed to relieve stay later than he/she is supposed to, meaning that said person loses sleep time. If this keeps occurring and they keep losing sleep time then they will start to show up to work still tired a nd worn out. Being tired could lead your battle buddy to making mistakes that normally he/she wouldn't make. Said soldiers professionalism and work ethic would start to slip due to lack of sleep because you couldnt keep to a schedule that was set by your NCO's. It would be your fault that your battle can't perform his duties to the best of his ability. Your battle buddies credability could also start to slip in the eyes of your chain of command because of lack of motivation or professionalism at work. Being Punctual shows your chain of command that you are dependable. they can count on you to follow orders and be where you are supposed to be at the right place at the right time. Doing this lead to them trusting you with a little more responsibility as time goes on. being late however shows them that you can not be relied on to do anything if you cant even be somewhere on time. being on time is the easiest thing to do in the military andif you cant even do that how is your chain of c ommand supposed to trust you with anything else? Being punctual also shows your chain of command that you have the discipline to be somewhere when you are supposed to. Having the discipline to follow orders shows them as you spend more time in the military that just maybe your ready for that next promotion or to be put in to go to the board so you can become an NCO yourself. On the other hand not being punctual shows them that you have no discipline, which makes them have to limit the things you are allowed to do even when your off duty for the day because if they cant trust you to be disciplined around them, how can they trust you to be disciplined when your not around them. They have to resort to confining you to your room, giving you extra duty and or taking away any

Saturday, November 23, 2019

An Introduction and Guide to Real Business Cycle Theory

An Introduction and Guide to Real Business Cycle Theory Real  business cycle  theory (RBC theory) is a class of macroeconomic models and theories that were first explored by American economist John Muth in 1961. The theory has since been more closely associated with another American economist, Robert Lucas, Jr., who has been characterized as â€Å"the most influential macroeconomist in the last quarter of the twentieth century.†Ã‚  Ã‚   Intro to Economic Business Cycles Before understanding real business cycle theory, one must understand the basic concept of business cycles. A business cycle is the periodic up and down movements in the economy, which are measured by fluctuations in real GDP and other macroeconomic variables. There are sequential phases of a business cycle that demonstrate rapid growth (known as expansions or booms) followed by periods of stagnation or decline (known as contractions or declines). Expansion (or Recovery when following a trough): categorized by an increase in economic activityPeak: The upper turning point of the business cycle when expansion turns to contractionContraction: categorized by a decrease in economic activityTrough: The lower turning point of the business cycle when contraction leads to recovery and/or expansion Real business cycle theory makes strong assumptions about the drivers of these business cycle phases. Primary Assumption of Real Business Cycle Theory The primary concept behind real business cycle theory is that one must study business cycles with the fundamental assumption that they are driven entirely by technology shocks rather than by monetary shocks or changes in expectations. That is to say that RBC theory largely accounts for business cycle fluctuations with real (rather than nominal) shocks, which are defined as unexpected or unpredictable events that affect the economy. Technology shocks, in particular, are considered a result of some unanticipated technological development that impacts productivity. Shocks in government purchases are another kind of shock that can appear in a pure real business cycle (RBC Theory) model. Real Business Cycle Theory and Shocks In addition to attributing all business cycle phases to technological shocks, real business cycle theory considers business cycle fluctuations an efficient response to those exogenous changes or developments in the real economic environment. Therefore, business cycles are â€Å"real† according to RBC theory in that they do not represent the failure of markets to clear or show an equal supply to demand ratio, but instead, reflect the most efficient economic operation given the structure of that economy. As a result, RBC theory rejects Keynesian economics, or the view that in the short run economic output is primarily influenced by aggregate demand, and monetarism, the school of thought that emphasizes the role of government in controlling the amount of money in circulation. Despite their rejection of RBC theory, both of these schools of economic thought currently represent the foundation of mainstream macroeconomic policy.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ethnographic Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethnographic Review - Essay Example The complexity of the issues discussed with regard to women in pain is also clearly explained. Finkler’s objective in writing the book was to deepen our understanding of human sickness through what she termed as life lesions. In addition, biomedicine has without doubt made incredible advances and has succeeded in treating difficult medical impairments. Nonetheless, at times biomedicine fails to lessen patients routinely experienced symptoms because of the restrictions of the biomedicine script, a script that fails to understand life’s lesions. Finkler develops life lesions in an outstanding symbol of how wounds imposed on people that is women during their lives are narrated in the concept of life lesions in the reflection of a sense of loss of control, or the life of a person being out of control. Finkler analysis of the Mexican gender role outlook makes it understandable why women with little control of their lives would convey chronic and unexplained physical pain. In case, readers would presume that all Mexican women are trapped in similar gender roles and experience the type of life lesions described by Finkler, she warns against stereotyping the whole population of Mexican women. The women discussed in her book, are a specific set of women. She chose them as a subset from a sample of 205 women she interviewed earlier at the hospital, of which 161 were later interviewed at the comfort of their homes. The 10 case studies in the book were drawn from the 161 women interviewed both in the hospital and at home. The book is divided into three parts: the first part evaluates the literature with regard to the nature of sickness, nature of gender and the connection between gender and sickness. The second part puts out a good review of gender roles in Mexico, historical associations between men and women and the place of spiritualist or evangelical movements in the lives of poor men and women. Additionally, Finkler also incorporate an overview profile o f women in her chosen population. The longest section of the book is left for case studies. The reader is expected to meet with â€Å"Juana who is in search of dignity amid a garbage dump, Susana a woman who has ventured into the public domain, Carlota who changed from proletarian to a housewife, Maria whose life experiences have changed from bad to worse, Norma who claimed to have found God, Josefina who narrates that she has dedicated her whole life to working very hard. Rebecca on the other hand is a woman at the verge of disintegration, Julia who struggles to live with a drunken husband, Alicia who is a mother and a mistress and Margarita a woman in such of individualism†. With regard to nature of sickness, women and men have differing health needs and outcomes. This is because of biological differences, especially â€Å"sex-connected biology such as genital secretions, secondary sex characteristics and reproductive events like pregnancy and menopause†. Finkler not ed that gender affects the risk of mortality and morbidity through diverse exposure and helplessness, the harshness and consequences of illness and access to health care services (Finkler 5). In most of Mexican cities, there exists biasness when it comes to gender and healthcare. Most men are given priority than women therefore putting the women under the risk of further complications and stress. Moreover, the existence of socioeconomic inequality has been the main reason for health biasness in Mexico.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cultures - Essay Example In small settlements in particular, where traditions, customs and beliefs are more influential, death is a concept that reinforces social solidarity. Death, which is seen as a person's physical disappearance although he continues to live on in spirit, is generally a terrifying phenomenon. With the subconscious pressure created by this fear, a number of events or manifestations are interpreted as omens of impending death, including unexpected forms of behaviour, objects being used in a particular way, meteorological events (a shooting star, thunder, northeast wind, etc.), the behaviour of animals and noises made by them (the howling of dogs, the hooting of owls, a rooster crowing at the wrong time, etc.), dreams (of coffins, wedding dresses, wedding-festivities, camels, houses being demolished, falling teeth, onions, pepper etc.), as well as physiological and psychological changes (someone's growing pale, an increase or decrease in appetite, staring fixedly at one point, etc.) in the sick person. People tend to avoid events that are thought to trigger the process of death. Among the ways this is done is to slaughter the rooster that crows at an inappropriate time, giving some food that has prepared at home or bought outside to the poor if one sees a bad dream, describing that dream to water, waking up pregnant women or children if they are asleep when a dead person is taken away, emptying water cups in the home where there is a funeral, sweeping the home after the deceased has been taken away, turning cauldron in which the water used for washing the dead has been boiled upside down. In beliefs of people, among symptoms that predict death, which related with animals have been taking a great and importantplace. Some talents of animals, which are absent in human beings, their power of intuition, physical characteristics, their consideration of being fortunate or ill-omened have been playing great role in creation of such beliefs and their reaching a universal line. Basically there lays also the fear of death on the foundation ofa certain amount of beliefs which are accumulated around home, household, tool, apparatuses and food; and they have been qualified by people usually as symptoms of death. Most of these beliefs are completely different to what we in Western Cultures believe. Someone who was fairly new to the Turkish Muslim religion may consider their beliefs as rather strange, yet quite fascinating. 3 The first practices regarding sending the deceased off include washing the body and enshrouding it within fixed rules. If the deceased was a woman, she is washed by other women and by men if the dead person was male. Washers are experienced and well-versed in the rules. In villages, the body is washed inside the house or on a bench reserved for this purpose in the garden, and few people are allowed to be present. When the deceased is washed, the relatives pour a bowl of water over the body, give their consent and ask the deceased for whatever they have shared in the past. In big cities, the deceased is washed in a room reserved for this purpose in the cemetery. The piece of cloth used as a shroud is always white. The shroud for women has more parts to it than that used for men. As a female corpse is wrapped in the shroud, henna (this may also be applied to her

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Charles Dickens Essay Example for Free

Charles Dickens Essay It also suggests that his previous way of conducting himself has been broken and therefore he has changed. The form of the book and the way that it has been structured has a specific effect on the reader. It breaks the book down into chunks and emphasises the point of each one. The first and last staves, act as a prologue and epilogue to show the Scrooge before and after his moral transformation. This idea is backed up by the fact that the last stave is much shorter than the other four, acting as a round off to the book leaving you to imagine the rest of Scrooges life. In the third stave; The second of the Three Spirits Scrooge meets with the Spirit of Christmas Present who proceeds to show Scrooge how people are spending their Christmases. First he takes Scrooge through the town showing him the hubbub of Christmas shoppers getting food for the forthcoming day. There were ruddy, brown-faced, broad-girthed Spanish Onions, shining in the fatness of their growth like Spanish Friars; and winking from their shelves in wanton slyness at the girls as they went by, and glanced demurely at the hung-up mistletoe. There were pears and apples, clustered high in blooming pyramids; there were bunches of grapes, made, in the shopkeepers benevolence to dangle from conspicuous hooks, that peoples mouths might water gratis as they passed. Dickens uses such descriptive language here to focus on how much the food means to people who cannot afford much, and also how important the meal, and Christmas generally, is to everyone. The idea of food is again a running theme as in Dickenss time large quantities of food, as we commonly see now, were not possible during Victorian times. This was because they had no way of refrigerating food and therefore Christmas was very special in that people could feast at this one time of the year. The language he uses here is important because the way that he personifies the food shows how much attention was showed to it and we see this attention to detail at the beginning of this stave as well when the ghost is sat in a kind of throne of food. Also when the ghost is sprinkling blessings on passing peoples food the ghost tells Scrooge that the poor are more needy than the rich which Scrooge did not realise before as he was always looking out for himself only. Then they visit the Cratchits home where although they are very poor they all love each other and they have a very happy home, this contrasts with Scrooges home and work because although Scrooge is very rich, he is always unhappy. For example although they cannot afford a very big goose for Christmas lunch they are all very happy with it and none of them complain. Dickens especially conveys the feeling of a happy home with the use of a lot of dialogue between family members. Dickenss use of dialogue throughout the book is very effective and attracts the reader as it seems much more realistic. In the forth stave Scrooge meets with the Ghost of Christmas future who has come to show him what his future will be like if he does not change his ways. He is shown his colleges discussing his funeral, and is surprised to realise that none of them care for him. He is also shown a back street merchant to whom his belongings are being sold as no one looked after his house when he died. Finally he is shown that Tiny Tim has died because his family did not have enough money to support him. This stave is very important as it shows Scrooge the short-term consequences of his actions in life if he continues to live the way he is doing so now. And we see that he has fully changed by the end of the stave I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, Present and Future. The Spirits of all three shall strive within me. This clearly shows that he now cares fully and realises the error of his ways. This is an important part of the novel as it shows that he has changed fully, and the desperation he has at the end of stave four, makes the reader feel sorry for him. This has deliberately been done by Dickens as it shows that a character whom at the start of the story you despised, by the end of this stave you feel sorry for and hope that he does have a chance to show that he is a changed man. Finally in the fifth stave Scrooge gets a chance to show how changed he is as he has been with the spirits only the length of one night. He gets to go and visit his nephew and he raises the salary of his clerk. This particular part, when he raises the pay of his clerk, uses humour again as it shows just how surprised Bob Cratchit is that he is receiving a pay rise, as he cowers and holds up a poker. This use of humour raises the mood of the last stave. Also we see Scrooges mannerisms become much different and he laughs and becomes a different person. During the last stave the most important running theme is emphasised, that anyone can change for the better. This point is shown very clearly because Dickens creates the most horrible character he can and by the end of the book, as a reader you are inclined to like him. The book is appealing to readers because the moral points are important and it is a very heart-warming book that makes people feel better about themselves and want to embrace the spirit of Christmas, which is what Dickens intended.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Devastating Effects of the Oleoducto de Crudos Pesados Essay -- Ecuado

Devastating Effects of the Oleoducto de Crudos Pesados Although relatively small in size, Ecuador is one of the most biologically diverse nations in the world. A drastic range of altitude and geographical diversity in such a small area has resulted in a high number of diverse climactic regions. Because of their very different climates and altitudes, Ecuador’s four main regions, the lowland Pacific Coast, the Andes Mountains, the Amazon rainforest, and the Galapagos Islands, are each home to a wide variety of plant and animal species. These many distinct ecosystems and the hundreds of endemic species residing within Ecuador’s borders have led scientists to classify it as a biodiversity â€Å"hotspot†. Ecuador’s rich biodiversity and natural beauty have been key factors in the success of the nation’s ecotourism industry. Tourists from around the world are drawn to Ecuador by the opportunity to see plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth. Birdwatchers are especially interested in the lo wer elevations of the Andes, commonly known as the cloud forest, which are home to an extremely high number of endemic bird species. Unfortunately, many of Ecuador’s unique ecosystems are under threat from deforestation and other anthropogenic forces. The oil industry in Ecuador has historically been, and continues to be, one of the worst offenders of environmental degradation. Despite this, the Ecuadorian government, under the strong influence of the World Bank and IMF (International Monetary Fund), has encouraged the development of Ecuador’s oil reserves, as opposed to other more sustainable forms of economic growth, in an attempt to rescue the nation’s struggling economy. The Amazon rainforest, where virtually all of Ecuador’s oil re... ...curb the devastating effects certain types of economic development continue to have on their fragile ecosystems. In order to attract foreign capital to these nations, international organizations like the IMF and World Bank have consistently encouraged the development of extractive industries like oil, which virtually without fail result in massive environmental degradation. Finding alternative ways of economic development that encourage environmental conservation and responsible resource use is crucial to the survival of Ecuador’s unique ecosystems and endemic species. Sources â€Å"The New Heavy Crude Pipeline in Ecuador.† Amazon Watch Mega-Project Alert. June 2001 High Paramo Ecosystem of the Andes. 10 December 2004

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Punishment Versus Rehabilitation

Punishment vs. Rehabilitation Brenda A. Dove AJS/502 Version I September 10, 2012 John V. Baiamonte, Jr. Ph. D. Punishment vs. Rehabilitation Punishment versus Rehabilitation, there has been many debates on the effectiveness of punishment compared to the effectiveness of rehabilitation of convicted offenders in prison and under community supervision. If an individual commits a crime serious enough to warrant incarceration, then the individual is sent to prison as a form of punishment.While incarcerated the individual may have the opportunity to receive rehabilitation. Does it mean that the individual will be rehabilitated? One can only imagine. This is a debatable issue. Is punishment or rehabilitation more effective in combating crime? These findings will be discussed in this paper in more depth. According to DeLuca, Miller, and Wiedemann (1991), â€Å"Some prison facilities use punishment as the main approach, such as Texas. Massachusetts and Connecticut stress rehabilitation, and some facilities use punishment and rehabilitation, such as Michigan.There is currently no prison facility that focuses on incarceration as a short period of punishment followed by a long period of community-based rehabilitation and strict supervision† (para. 6). Rehabilitation wants to educate individuals about the wrong choices that they have made and help encourage these individuals to make better choices in the future. Rehabilitation recognizes that offenders may be victims of social economic conditions, and wants to help offenders learn from their mistakes, with the intention of not committing crimes when they get released.According to Logan, and Gaes (1993), â€Å"Meta-analysis is the study of other studies, and in this case, the studies test the effectiveness of various programs of correctional treatment. Advocates of rehabilitation believe that meta-analysis can be used to supply deposits of prior research, to reveal hidden veins of effective treatment not necessarily revealed by individual studies† (para. 2). According to Logan, and Gaes (1993), â€Å"Each study is coded on a number of variables such as characteristics of the research design, characteristics of the subjects studied, and haracteristics of the treatment applied. In theory, by combining and reanalyzing studies, meta-analysis may be able to separate treatment effects from differences due to uncontrolled characteristics of the subjects, or other deficiencies of research design, even if those sources of error were not controlled adequately by any of the primary studies taken separately† (para. 3). According to Logan, and Gaes (1993), â€Å"It may not be worthwhile to debate whether meta-analysis or other research has identified â€Å"what works† by way of prisoner rehabilitation.Engaging in such debate presupposes that effectiveness, or utility, is the crucial issue in discussing the value of rehabilitation in the criminal justice system generally and inside pris ons in particular. Underlying the zeal with which meta-analysts claim to have proved scientifically that â€Å"something works after all† is the implicit argument that because rehabilitation can be made more scientific it is therefore both a viable and a desirable alternative to punishment† (para. 4).According to Logan, and Gaes (1993), â€Å"The meta-analysts believe that we turned away from treatment and toward punishment because Martinson and others convinced everyone that nothing works; therefore, convincing people of the opposite should help to turn them back in the â€Å"proper† policy direction† (para. 5). According to Rhine, Smith, and Jackson (1991), [In 1974, Robert Martinson published â€Å"What Works–Questions and Answers about Prison Reform,† an article describing research on the effectiveness of correctional treatment.Martinson made several key points about a massive review of research on correctional treatment. His first point was that the research showed that there was not much good news about rehabilitative programs. Some programs worked, but they were few and far between (para. 1). The second point, which was largely ignored, was that the quality of the program implementation and research was so poor that it was hard to draw many strong conclusions. The nuances of his findings were lost, and the research was presented as showing that correctional treatment programs did not work at rehabilitating criminal offenders.The infamous sound bite that emerged from this was that â€Å"Nothing Works† when it comes to rehabilitation (para. 3). In fact, the actual results said no one approach works with everybody. Despite the fact that the sound bite was an exaggeration, the message carried great influence in legislative and public policy debates and actions. The Nothing Works message swept the political and public policy arenas and correctional programs and practice. Rehabilitation programs and services wer e greatly reduced from the correctional landscape (para. ). This belief indicated that if offenders could not be rehabilitated then they should be punished and it was time to get tough on crime. Within a relatively short time parole was attacked and the individual approach of indeterminate sentencing, or release by the authority of a parole board was abolished in 16 states (Rhine, Smith, and Jackson, 1991) and some form of determinate sentencing was adopted in all 50 states (Mackenzie, 2000)]. According to Department of Corrections, (n. d. ), [However, not all hope was lost.A small number of vocal critics of the ‘nothing works’ doctrine actively challenged the assumptions and empirical evidence presented by Martinson and colleagues. Foremost in this debate were a number of North American researchers, including Ted Palmer, Paul Gendreau, Don Andrews and Robert Ross. At the same time as Martinson was announcing that very few things had any effect on recidivism, Palmer (19 75) was reanalyzing the same data and finding that more things worked than the original analysis showed (this position was also supported by Thornton’s (1987) reanalysis of a selection of studies used by Lipton and co-workers in 1975).Similarly, Gendreau and Ross (1979) and Ross and Gendreau (1980) were reporting on research that documented positive outcomes, directly countering the argument that nothing worked. Perhaps the most damaging blow to the ‘nothing works’ position was delivered by Robert Martinson himself. In 1979 he wrote a paper which acknowledged errors in the earlier reviews and reported on a number of new studies which demonstrated that some things did work. On the basis of substantial contradictory evidence, Martinson recanted the ‘nothing works’ statements made in his 1974 article] (para. ). Incarceration is for those offenders that have broken the law and as a result they have received imprisonment. It punishes offenders for what th ey have done wrong and acknowledges the victim by giving them justice for the wrong that has been committed against them by the offender. Incarceration allows the offender to be confined and take some form of initiative to seek help and learn how to change their behavior. If an offender wants to change their life around, they can seek the necessary resources to make those changes. Offenders have to want to change their lives around.If offenders do it simply because they are made to do so then, they will eventually be back in prison. It is about changing the mindset and making a decision to turn away from wrongdoing and make the right decision to make positive choices. Punishment is more effective in combating crime. It helps offenders to understand what they have done wrong and accept accountability and responsibility for their behavior. Punishment is a constructive endeavor, not a destructive endeavor. Punishment is a positive good rather than a negative evil. It requires the right people with the right attitudes.If prison officials are hostile, cruel, and inappropriate towards inmates, it defeats the purpose. Prison officials need to be professional and firm but respectful towards inmates. If inmates are not treated fairly in prison, they will find it hard to understand that it is fair for them to be incarcerated in the first place. In order for inmates to accept their punishment they must understand that it is just, not malicious. The duties and responsibilities of prisons are to manage and handle their facilities to the best of their ability.In closing, it is not the responsibility of prisons to reform, rehabilitate, or reintegrate offenders into society. Each inmate needs to be responsible for their own wellbeing, social correction, and their future conduct. While it may not be an easy task for any inmate, they have to make the decision to change their life around. It has to be there decision; no one can do it for them. They must have the right mindset an d be willing to make changes for the better. References Bureau of Justice Assistance. (n. d. ). â€Å"Nothing Works†, Retrieved on September 10, 2012, from, https://www. bja. gov/Publications/APPA_PSN. df Department of Corrections. (n. d. ). Historical Background: The â€Å"What Works? † Debate, Retrieved on September 10, 2012, from, http://www. corrections. govt. nz/research/the-effectiveness-of-correctional-treatment/historical-background. html Federal Bureau of Prisons. (1993). Meta-Analysis Rehabilitation of Punishment, Retrieved on September 10, 2012, from, http://www. bop. gov/news/research_projects/published_reports/cond_envir/oreprlogangaes. pdf National Criminal Justice Reference Service. (1991). Punishment vs. Rehabilitation: A proposal for revising sentencing practices, Retrieved on September 10, 2012, from,

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Choose a Favorite Food, and Write a How-to Essay Explaining

In this project I learn that Alfredo sauce can be used for a verity of recipes and meals. Alfredo sauce can be used in pasta, chicken, and maybe you can mix some vinegar into Alfredo and make a dressing out of it for salads. I also learned how to cook pasta with Alfredo and chicken and make my own things with Alfredo. I definitely can say that I can cook with Alfredo. You know if you think of it cooking with Alfredo is not that hard to make. You can cook some chicken and put Alfredo on it. You can boil pasta and put some Alfredo on it. Also you can make a pizza or enchiladas and put some Alfredo on it.Has you can see Alfredo can be has a dressing for a whole much of things. In this project I also had to make myself a resume. That was the first time I made myself one and I did it by myself it wasn’t made. So I can make me a resume anytime for future needs. Making my resume meant I had to know all of my skills and objective and things like that. For me that was really good to kn ow how to do it at my age. So I can do it in the future when a job I want to do wants a resume. In the first part of the project we had to actually cook our chosen recipes.That was some experiment for me because I got the chance to cook something for my family instead of eggs and pancakes or something like that. So that was really fun for me. In the second part we just had to pick random recipes. When I was doing that I saw, like I said in the beginning, a lot of meals with Alfredo sauce in it. So that was something to know about, seeing a lot of recipes I didn’t even know Alfredo can be used for. Like one recipe it was like chicken wrap in with ham and cheese and Alfredo on top of it. That meal I had the chance of doing it and tasting it.SO when I decided to make it I thought it was weird. I never thought that could be thought of to make and the taste was really good that I still do it today sometimes when I cook for my family. Well the way I did it was good. I followed the directions but the taste might have been different then mine, but mine was still good and sometimes I add a little things to it and make it better. Well that recipe was good and one I never would of that Alfredo would be in it. This is probably the things I learned during the time I did the project.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Machiavelli And Arendt

Machiavelli and Arendt â€Å"Totalitarian policy claims to transform the human species into an active unfailing carrier of a law to which human beings otherwise only passively and reluctantly be subjected.† A statement in Hannah Arendt’s Ideology and Terror: A Novel Form of Government, in this essay she outlines and defines totalitarianism. Her explanation includes many variables that can be misrepresented as those ideals set forth by Niccolo Machiavelli in his 1513 working The Qualities of the Prince. According to Arendt totalitarianism is made of several qualities. She describes an end state of â€Å"world domination† accomplished by tyranny. In this lawless government, a single individual will have power that is provoked in his own interest rather than that of the people. Under this action, there will be no â€Å"general agreement† as to laws that will be implied, rather, there will obedience and humans will follow the â€Å"laws of nature†. Hence, totalitarianism is a movement by mankind to become â€Å"One man† states Arendt. Thus, this statement alone is not congruent with Machiavelli’s idealistic values of a prince. Within his work, Machiavelli outlines and defines those qualities and assumptions that a leader, a prince, must possess in order to succeed or for that matter, fail. In recounting the essay, the Prince first has a duty to become a master of war. In doing so he will be prepared in the time of adversity. By enduring personal sacrifice in peacetime, he will in turn learn to be proactive when facing famine, restlessness and pain. Arendt’s totalitarianism describes the need for a military to destroy all those opposed to the movement. Her use of force is for the destruction of those not in the movement, as Hitler did to the Jewish. Machiavelli’s battle would rather be compared to an Army protecting it’s borders from foreign invasion. The act of a person being generous can often be taken for granted. ... Free Essays on Machiavelli And Arendt Free Essays on Machiavelli And Arendt Machiavelli and Arendt â€Å"Totalitarian policy claims to transform the human species into an active unfailing carrier of a law to which human beings otherwise only passively and reluctantly be subjected.† A statement in Hannah Arendt’s Ideology and Terror: A Novel Form of Government, in this essay she outlines and defines totalitarianism. Her explanation includes many variables that can be misrepresented as those ideals set forth by Niccolo Machiavelli in his 1513 working The Qualities of the Prince. According to Arendt totalitarianism is made of several qualities. She describes an end state of â€Å"world domination† accomplished by tyranny. In this lawless government, a single individual will have power that is provoked in his own interest rather than that of the people. Under this action, there will be no â€Å"general agreement† as to laws that will be implied, rather, there will obedience and humans will follow the â€Å"laws of nature†. Hence, totalitarianism is a movement by mankind to become â€Å"One man† states Arendt. Thus, this statement alone is not congruent with Machiavelli’s idealistic values of a prince. Within his work, Machiavelli outlines and defines those qualities and assumptions that a leader, a prince, must possess in order to succeed or for that matter, fail. In recounting the essay, the Prince first has a duty to become a master of war. In doing so he will be prepared in the time of adversity. By enduring personal sacrifice in peacetime, he will in turn learn to be proactive when facing famine, restlessness and pain. Arendt’s totalitarianism describes the need for a military to destroy all those opposed to the movement. Her use of force is for the destruction of those not in the movement, as Hitler did to the Jewish. Machiavelli’s battle would rather be compared to an Army protecting it’s borders from foreign invasion. The act of a person being generous can often be taken for granted. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

An Overview of Labeling Theory

An Overview of Labeling Theory Labeling theory states that people come to identify and behave in ways that reflect how others label them. It is most commonly associated with the sociology of crime and deviance: labeling and treating someone as criminally deviant can foster deviant behavior. Labeling someone as a criminal, for example, can cause others to treat them more negatively- and the response to being treated more negatively can be in turn for that person to act more negatively. ï » ¿The Origins of Labeling Theory Labeling theory is rooted in the idea of the social construction of reality, which is central to the field of sociology and is linked to the symbolic interactionist perspective. As an area of focus, it flourished within American sociology during the 1960s, thanks in large part to sociologist  Howard Becker. However, its core ideas can be traced back to the work of founding French sociologist  Emile Durkheim. The theory of American sociologist  George Herbert Mead, which focused on the social construction of the self as a process involving interactions with others, was also influential in its development. Others involved in the development of labeling theory and the conduct of research related to it include Frank Tannenbaum, Edwin Lemert, Albert Memmi, Erving Goffman, and David Matza. Overview Labeling theory is one of the most important approaches to understanding deviant and criminal behavior. It  begins with the assumption that no act is intrinsically criminal. Definitions of criminality are established by those in power through the formulation of laws and the interpretation of those laws by police, courts, and correctional institutions. Deviance is therefore not a set of characteristics of individuals or groups, but rather it is a process of interaction between deviants and non-deviants and the context in which criminality is being interpreted. To understand the nature of deviance itself, we must first understand why some people are tagged with a deviant label, and others are not. Those who represent forces of law and order and those who enforce the boundaries of what is considered normal behavior, such as the police, court officials, experts, and school authorities, provide the main source of labeling. By applying labels to people, and in the process creating categories of deviance, these people reinforce the power structure of society. Many of the rules that define deviance and the contexts in which deviant behavior is labeled as deviant are framed by the wealthy for the poor, by men for women, by older people for younger people, and by ethnic and racial majorities for minority groups. In other words, the more powerful and dominant groups in society create and apply deviant labels to the subordinate groups. For example, many children engage in activities such as breaking windows, stealing fruit from other people’s trees, climbing into other people’s yards, or playing hooky from school. In affluent neighborhoods, these acts may be regarded by parents, teachers, and police as innocent aspects of the process of growing up. In poor areas, on the other hand, these same activities might be seen as tendencies towards juvenile delinquency, which suggests that differences of class and race play an important role in the process of assigning labels of deviance. Research has shown that Black girls and boys are disciplined more frequently and more harshly by teachers and school administrators than  are their peers of other races, though there is no evidence to suggest that they misbehave more frequently. Similarly, and with much more severe consequences, statistics that show that police kill Black people at a far higher rate than whites, even when they are unarmed and have committed no crime, suggests that the misapplication of deviant labels as a result of racial stereotypes is at play. Once a person is labeled as deviant, it is extremely difficult to remove that label. The deviant person becomes stigmatized as a criminal or deviant and is likely to be considered, and treated, as untrustworthy by others. The deviant individual is then likely to accept the label that has been attached, seeing himself or herself as deviant, and act in a way that fulfills the expectations of that label. Even if the labeled individual does not commit any further deviant acts than the one that caused them to be labeled, getting rid of that label can be very hard and time-consuming. For example, it is usually very difficult for a convicted criminal to find employment after release from prison because of their label as ex-criminal. They have been formally and publicly labeled a wrongdoer and are treated with suspicion likely for the remainder of their lives. Critiques of Labeling Theory One critique of labeling theory is that it emphasizes the interactive process of labeling and ignores the processes and structures that lead to deviant acts. Such processes might include differences in socialization, attitudes, and opportunities, and how social and economic structures impact these. The second critique of labeling theory is that it is still not clear whether or not labeling has the effect of increasing deviant behavior. Delinquent behavior tends to increase following conviction, but is this the result of labeling itself as the theory suggests? It is very difficult to say, since many other factors may be involved, including increased interaction with other delinquents and learning new criminal opportunities. Further Reading Crime and Community  by Frank Tannenbaum (1938)Outsiders  by Howard Becker (1963)The Colonizer and the Colonized  by Albert Memmi (1965)Human Deviance, Social Problems and Social Control  by Edwin Lemert (1967)Learning to Labour: How Working Class Kids Get Working Class Jobs  by Paul Willis (1977)Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys  by Victor Rios (2011) Identity  andWomen Without Class: Girls, Race by Julie Bettie (2014)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Hospatility and Tourism Strategic Managment Essay

Hospatility and Tourism Strategic Managment - Essay Example This "Hospitality and tourism strategic management" essay describes an importance of strategic management, its key elements and also writes about role of Information technology in the hospitality industry. Strategic planning has seen a vast improvement and has evolved in recent times, more so with the volatile economy and intense market competition. However, there is still a tendency of the senior management to keep the formal strategic planning in their purview rather than making it transparent and developing a clear communication with the middle managers and other employees. This approach will not only prove to be detrimental for the future of organizational objectives, but also will not allow a complete harmony between the various levels of employees. The middle management will not be equipped to handle and execute the strategic planning of the senior management until and unless they have a clear understanding of the future vision of the organization. The hospitality and tourism i ndustry has evolved from late eighties and has seen tremendous growth, making the competition stringent with most of the developing countries focusing and formulating friendly policies due to the industry’s immense potential. With advanced tools being introduced to make the services as pleasing for the customer as possible, the focus has more or less now shifted on the unit and the departmental levels of industry players. Hence, the senior management needs to realize the importance involving all the employees in strategic decision making. as they are the ones, who deal one on one with the existing and prospective customers, which eventually decides the company’s reputation and future market base (Scott and Laws 2006). Business Environment The external environment that any company in the hospitality industry needs to do a thorough analysis on can be divided into the operating environment and the organisational environment. Many developed and primarily developing countri es have come up with hospitality industry friendly policies and procedures due to the immense potential of the hospitality and tourism industry to generate huge amounts of economic benefits for any country, benefits like, employment, foreign exchange, tax revenues etc. (Kotler 2008). Managers must give a detailed consideration to the macro-environment factors. Firstly, political factors - governments enforce rules and regulations within which the company must operate, such as subsidies or lenient tax laws for new businesses. Governments can shut companies for not complying with the enforced laws. Therefore, being compliant with the laws

Friday, November 1, 2019

Personal Protective Equipment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal Protective Equipment - Essay Example 199). Workplace is surrounded by a number of hazards that may pose risk or injury or illness to the people working around. Chemical substances, mechanical abrasion, noise, heat, flying particles and radiation are few of the threats found at workplace (Talty, 1988, p.801). Some exposures cause minor loss while a lot of other risks may cause serious injuries. Companies can avoid potential risks by planning and setting up engineering controls to reduce risks at workplace. They can do so by installing automated or more efficient equipment, walling equipment and installing ventilation. Companies can also reduce risk through administrative control. They can limit an employee’s working hours in a certain area or make changes in working procedures (AIHA Protective Clothing and Equipment Committee, 2005, p. 1). Personal protective equipment protects against potential hazards at workplace yet it may be insufficient for many hazards. The limitations prevent it from giving complete protection and security to workers. One problem is effectiveness. Particular personal protective equipment may not be effective in all situations. For example, some respirators protect against particular gases only and not against all injurious gases. Some gloves are not effective in some chemicals. Mishandling of some equipment may be life threatening while in case of others it may not (Brauer, 2006, pp. 513 - 514). Hence, there must be specialized equipment for each special situation to overcome the associated risks. Secondly, equipment does not fit the user. The equipment must fit the user in order to be effective. For example, poorly adjusted gloves or hard hats or respirators may not protect the user well, therefore may cause injury (Brauer, 2006, pp. 513 - 514). Unfit equipment also discourages the usage of equipment and hence leads to harm. Thirdly,